When it comes to the term ‘entrepreneur’, our minds are indeed filled up with blooming ideas. Some people turn their start-ups into successful businesses but the same doesn’t go for the aspiring women entrepreneurs. The challenges that they have to go through to establish their business dreams into reality isn’t a cakewalk as it seems. 

Here, are few challenges that are underlying yet faced by every women entrepreneur:

Gender Discrimination: 

How can we forget the male prominence in the field of business? Almost everybody questions the capability of women being successful. Her power is underestimated & ignored. Incase she misses to secure a tender/project, her gender is considered as the reason for the loss.

It has always been the society to be blamed for this reason. But this needs to change somewhere. While we don’t encourage our daughters to become an entrepreneur in the whole new world, we also don’t ask our lads to give a woman entrepreneur a preference for their work. 

gender discrimination for women entrepreneurs

Emotional and mental support: 

Every new task is like a mountain of challenges, and the major factor that decides your fate in the Saud task lies in your outlook and your approach towards it. Even if you fail to get a positive result you need someone to guide you.

You need a companion, in fact, everybody does, no matter what role that person plays in your life. You need mental support to make you feel deserving and to revive your strength when you fall!


Failing to raise funds for their ventures, is another challenge women often face. Due to lack of networking, if not, they are offered by unjustified favours or can be cruel beyond our thinking. Funding is supposed to be the backbone of an entrepreneur, and it gets tough if you get into grudges with the fundraisers. It will ruin your image in the market and can even cost you more than you have invested.

But the ones who start small and is able to manage their funds are the conquerors. Doesn’t matter whether you’re rich or poor, or you’re starting a large or small scale entrepreneurship- your confidence is the first step, funding comes later. 

Societal tension:

Hardly any family supports their daughter to go in for business, be it the security reasons or challenges of the industry, a woman is never welcomed over their decisions. All the counter males are worried about the girl’s image in the society and that’s where she loses her so-called “freedom”. Surprisingly she is free to do a job but for Indian parents, Business is a big NO! that’s how a dream is killed before it begins. 

motivational quotes for women

In case she manages to start a business, the first fall will make her a complete failure. She will never be allowed to make it up for that mistake because the society will not let her forget her failure, and societal rules aren’t equal for males and females. The family will stop her from carrying it further. That’s how non-professional’s interference affects the growth of professionals.

Fear of failure: 

It takes a lot of courage to opt for a risky career. The risk of losing health, wealth, and sometimes life as well.

Along with money and efforts, an entrepreneur also invests in hopes and faith in herself/himself. Failing and reviving is easy when you talk about it but it is gruelling to rebuild a business, once it gets down. It takes the confidence of the entrepreneur down. Thinking and watching others failing to establish at initial stages strikes fear into the budding entrepreneurs. It stops them from starting a new venture. 

But let this not stop you. Believe in your guts, intuition, hard work and efforts that you’re delivering and will stay promising in future. We believe that every bit of your effort will pay you in future and this perspective needs to overpower all your fears.

Homelife v/s professional life:

Not every individual leads a disciplined life and is skilled with organizational tactics. People are reluctant to undertake a well-organized life and it is far more difficult for a woman because of her irreplaceable responsibilities. A mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister is a 24*7-hour functioning machine. She delivers love and affection with every little chore of her house. 

And with business- small/big, great professional attitude and organization are required. The 9 to 5 job is different and that does not work with business, it asks for your attention, input, and your time.

Not to blame anyone for it, but it is the prevalence in the society that has been pertaining for long. A woman, who is successful today has gone through uncountable obstacles in her life and thus she is able to set an example for aspiring women entrepreneur.

women entrepreneurs


Stress management requires skill and no entrepreneur is pre-skilled to tackle all the challenges that come in the way. Starting a venture requires a calm attitude towards work.

Perfect performance comes with a positive attitude, whereas stress hinders the efficiency and builds negativity around you.

Women have an obvious reason to get prone to stress and related disorders like insomnia and hypertension. The responsibility of the house and other works that may are not worth mentioning but are equally important and stress causing. Isn’t it somewhere the responsibility of the people you love surround you in your hard times.

These are not just challenges but are obstacles to a women entrepreneur’s life. But every problem has its solution as well. We just need to search for the right option, so that things can get as we want them to be. Let none of the above reasons stop you from being successful. The feeling of being able to be independent and settled by your own means is exquisite and everyone deserves to have it. Thus if you’re a woman who’s soon going to have her own business and a lot of doubts are hindering you, we hope that this article is able to motivate. Let us know what do you think about this article in the comments below.


  • Anand Sheth
    Posted August 3, 2020 12:57 am 0Likes

    Keep your goal clear and take only necessary steps towards it… !!!

  • Khushboo Godara
    Posted August 6, 2020 12:30 am 0Likes

    You are inspiring !

  • Khushboo Godara
    Posted August 6, 2020 12:32 am 0Likes

    You’re inspiring !

  • Jan
    Posted March 24, 2021 10:50 am 0Likes

    It is in point of fact a great and helpful piece of information. I am satisfied that you
    just shared this useful information with us. Please keep us informed like this.
    Thank you for sharing.

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